Sunday, May 12, 2013

Why Did You Let Me?

We were lying
in bed, I touched your hair

And you let me.
Build up hope
with that intimate touch.
Right before you turned
to face me.
With stones in your eyes
that said “GET THE FUCK OUT."

So I left 
without one more touch
just to remember you by.

And you let me.
Maybe you didn’t mean
to let me slip
through the cracks and the creaks
of the apartment.

But you did.

So when I miss you
I remember those stones,
what they say
about your heart.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Deda's Reading Glass

Light as a feather
of the frailest sparrow,
held in the strongest of hands.

Hollows along the bottom
so small 
you can feel them only
with your eyes.

Looks rough
but smooth
to the touch,
the tip of my fingers.

Dark black
with silvery swirls,
rusted and dented and bent.

Small slice of glass
used to amplify
tales in a tongue
I still don't understand.